Detained International, a non-profit organization and Haigh International Justice formed to assist people who have become victims of injustice in the UAE, has said the UK Government has: “failed to give sufficient warning to UK nationals traveling to the Sharia governed desert state, it [the Government] has failed to respond to requests for help for British citizens who fall foul of the strict laws, and when it does respond, it takes almost no action on behalf of its citizens.”
A number of cases of UK nationals who Detained International say have suffered legal abuse abroad, have been reviewed by David Haigh, CEO of Detained International and managing partner at Haigh International Justice, and by Queen’s Counsel. Statements so far, say the non-profit organization, have included everything from small debt cases, wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and detention without charges, to large commercial cases.
Detained International say that the UK Government is not failing to enforce a 2009 treaty between the UK and UAE which helps to protect UK businesses in the UAE and Dubai. Breaches of this treaty have ‘left UK businessmen and private individuals flailing as Emirati companies are allowed to steal from UK businessmen with impunity’, according to Detained International

Christian.northwood. “UK Government Failing Citizens in UAE.” International Travel & Health Insurance Journal, 17 Oct. 2017, www.itij.com/story/13681.

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